Archive for January 2021
Happy National Hot Chocolate Day- January 31st
Did you know that people have been enjoying hot chocolate for approximately 2,000 years? When Spanish explorers discovered the Americas in the 1500s, they met the chocolate-drinking Aztecs and Mayans in what is now Mexico. For centuries, these early civilizations had been making hot chocolate by grinding cacao beans into a paste and stirring…
Read MoreNational Peanut Butter Day- January 24th
Today we celebrate one of America’s most favorite foods with some facts about peanut butter: We eat more than seven hundred million pounds of peanut butter a year! The fear of getting peanut butter stuck to the roof of your mouth is called arachibutyrophobia. In addition to creating corn flakes with his brother W. G.…
Read MoreHappy Fig Newton Day
January 16th was National Fig Newton Day. Let’s celebrate with some figgy facts. In 1891, Charles Roser, a baker who happened to love figs, invented a machine that squirted fig paste into dough before baking. Since the current nutrition guidelines of the times encouraged fruit and biscuits on a daily basis, this was the…
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